Declare your personal commitment to sustainable health
The depiction of a mad scientist, muttering hypotheses to himself and working as a recluse in his lab, is an outdated stereotype. To make sure science helps society move forward, scientists are now more engaged than ever on the field, working side by side with the government, industry or the general public.
To take on this challenge, you'll first have to undertake some introspection about your role, as a scientist and member of the Quebec society, in promoting sustainable health. Then, you will need to showcase your vision by presenting a personal initiative you propose to develop in the near future, or that you implemented less than a year ago (at the time of your participation in an in-house competition.
Speech: Inspirational, TEDx-style conference
Type of participation : Solo or teams of two (2)
Length: Seven (7) minutes
Visual aid: Unlimited number of minimalistic* slides (primary aid) + one (1) prop on stage (optional)
*With simple content (an image, one or two words, etc.)
What do we mean by « initiative »?
It could be, for instance:
- creating or broadcasting educational material (blog, YouTube channel, website, journal or magazine article, TV or radio show, podcast, social media content, etc.),
- developing a community support program (companions for patients, sports or artistic outlet to promote mental health, etc.),
- organizing or managing an event (awareness campaign, fundraiser, conference, school activity, etc.)
- or collaborating with political leaders, healthcare professionals or stakeholders (working group to improve public health practices, regulations or norms, participatory research, precision medicine, etc.).
This initiative doesn't have to be linked to your research work! Follow your sense of entrepreneurship or leadership! The only rule: you must be one of the main instigators of the initiative. To evaluate its potential impact on sustainable health, ask yourself the following questions: Will it help establish healthy lifestyle habits in the population, bring science and society closer together towards a common goal, or mobilize political decision-makers and stakeholders involved in sustainable health? How does it tie in with the targets of the United Nations' 3rd Sustainable Development Goal?
Reference documents
Summary sheet - Sustainable Health Challenge
Advice sheet - Sustainable Health Challenge (FR)
Summary sheet - Presentation rules
Advice sheet - Delivering a great presentation
Guidelines and examples of titles and brief descriptions