Our impact

The Montreal Clinical
Research Institute

« The IRCM is a synergistic research center, a unique and collaborative place that accelerates innovation in researching, understanding, and treating diseases. »

Bringing research closer to patients

To accelerate the understanding of diseases and identify treatments, the IRCM was born from the desire to make both basic and clinical research part of the same equation. Today, the Institute is home to over thirty world-renowned researchers and clinicians who are supported by a team of professionals and students, all mobilized by the same mission. Our work is part of a comprehensive research continuum whose goal is improving health.

Inspiring research excellence

Training the next generation of scientific researchers and sharing knowledge are deeply rooted in our DNA. Every year we welcome hundreds of the best students in the world in order to multiply our impact and contribute to excellence in science. These students join our research groups to take part in a tangible and formative experience that allows them to directly contribute to our research efforts.

Giving life to research

Our constant goal is to turn our discoveries and knowledge into innovative solutions to benefit patients. To this end, we put a premium on bringing value to our research, whether by developing concrete medical applications or by sharing our knowledge with the greater scientific community.

is what makes us unique.

The IRCM is a free-thinking institution where we cultivate independence and excellence. While scientific discoveries depend on many factors, we believe that independent research is a crucial component that brings observation and intuition together, accelerating the emergence of new knowledge.

Learn more about our researchers

The IRCM is...

  • 425 Researchers, students and
  • 33 Laboratories
  • 1400 Scientific
  • 200 Scientific lectures
    each year
  • 9 Technological
  • 4 Specialized
  • 1 Research Centre
    on Rare and
    Genetic Diseases
    in Adults
  • 16 000 Patient visits
    each year

Research focus


health research




Genetic and
Neurological Diseases
Research Center


Center for Research
in Immunity, Inflammation
and Infectious Diseases

Highly specialized
public care

Associated with the Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM), the IRCM clinic is a leader in clinical care and medical research. Patients at the clinic have access to comprehensive and ultra-specialized services in an all-encompassing healthcare model. Care is provided through a multidisciplinary approach that includes doctors, nurses, and nutritionists.

Discover the IRCM Clinics

  • Diabetes Clinic
  • Hypertension Clinic
  • Lipids, Nutrition, and Cardiovascular
    Prevention Clinic
  • Post-COVID 19 Research Clinic

Research Center on Rare and Genetic
Diseases in Adults

The IRCM’s Research Centre on Rare and Genetic Diseases in Adults is the only place in Canada that ensures a smooth transition from pediatric medical care to adult medical care for patients with rare diseases. Our team merges specialized care and biomedical research to better understand rare diseases and help our patients through innovative treatments.

Learn more

  •  Genetic dyslipidemias
  •  Primary immunodeficiency
  •  Rare kidney diseases


Affiliated with Université de Montréal
Associated with McGill University
Funded by the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation

Discoveries »



A genetic mutation that protects against disease

In a study published in the journal eLife, the team of Mathieu Ferron, Director of the Research Unit in Molecular Physiology at the IRCM, unveiled an optimized version of the hormone that could be the basis for innovative therapies. 




Groundbreaking Advance in Lupus

The work of the team led by Dr. Hua Gu is published in the prestigious scientific journal "Immunity". This massive work is the first to identify a family of protein ubiquitin ligases (CBLs) as a common molecular trait causing Lupus in humans; a groundbreaking advance that could pave the way to future therapies in this field.



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IRCM Foundation

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