Working at the IRCM

A team that is inspired by life

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Looking to make an impact?

Are you looking for an inspiring career opportunity that will allow you to challenge yourself while playing a concrete role in improving health? The IRCM invites you to join a team that is driven by passion and a real desire to improve lives. We are a world-renowned biomedical research institute and, if you’re like us and want to give more meaning to your career, we want to meet you.

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We are
inspired by 

Our goal is simple and yet complex at the same time. We are working hard to better understand diseases in order to identify the best ways to treat them, and to achieve this we must work on multiple fronts. We offer clinical services that are unique to Quebec, we conduct cutting-edge research, and we train the next generation in research. Over time, our work has led to countless major discoveries recognized worldwide. We study life to better understand and protect it.

The guiding principles
that unite us

Human > Science

We use science to support health. Humans are our priority; science is our tool.

Collaboration > Silos

We believe in the power of collaboration. The multidisciplinary nature and independence of our researchers are strengths that we value. We strongly believe that collaboration produces the best scientific results.

Innovation > Statu quo

We are curious and results-driven. We aren’t satisfied with resting on our past achievements. We are constantly innovating and our greatest discoveries are still ahead of us.

An open
and inclusive environment

The IRCM is an inclusive and diverse workplace where many cultures enrich our daily lives. We respect and value differences. We are convinced that openness and the sharing of different points of view help create an ideal environment for research. We are proud to promote a workplace free of discrimination. Here, you will find a welcoming workplace where you can reach your full potential.

Your valued

Research is a process that feeds on collaboration and the exchange of ideas. The IRCM is a place where researchers, professionals, and students work together in a spirit of collegiality and where sharing different viewpoints is encouraged. We believe that everyone can contribute through their ideas and actions to the next great discovery that will take place within our walls.

« I really feel like I’m contributing to something
bigger than myself. I feel like I play a key role in
improving the health of all. »

Martin Bernard

IT Technician

Discoveries »



A genetic mutation that protects against disease

In a study published in the journal eLife, the team of Mathieu Ferron, Director of the Research Unit in Molecular Physiology at the IRCM, unveiled an optimized version of the hormone that could be the basis for innovative therapies. 




Groundbreaking Advance in Lupus

The work of the team led by Dr. Hua Gu is published in the prestigious scientific journal "Immunity". This massive work is the first to identify a family of protein ubiquitin ligases (CBLs) as a common molecular trait causing Lupus in humans; a groundbreaking advance that could pave the way to future therapies in this field.



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