
Responsible conduct
in research

IRCM’s research activities are underpinned by high standards of scientific integrity. Any person conducting research at the Institute must comply with the standards of responsible research as set out in the IRCM Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Policy .

This policy guides research activities to ensure that standards are respected and meets the requirements of the three federal granting agencies, namely the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), as stipulated in the Tri-Agency Framework: RCR, as well as those of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ), as stated in the FRQ’s Policy for RCR.
The IRCM’s Policy on RCR applies to all research conducted under the authority of the IRCM or its aegis, in addition to research funded by the three federal agencies and the FRQ. The objectives of this internal policy are the following:

  • Ensure public funds for research are used responsibly and in accordance with funding agreement.
  • Ensure public funds for research are used responsibly and in accordance with funding agreements
  • Promote and protect the quality, accuracy, and reliability of research funded by the agencies
  • Promote fairness in the conduct of research and in the process for addressing allegations of policy breaches

Benoit Coulombe is the designated person in charge of RCR at the Institute. The person in this role promotes an RCR culture within the IRCM, receives allegations of non-compliance with RCR, and deploys the process of handling allegations of non-compliance with RCR.

For any questions, or if in doubt over responsible conduct of research at the IRCM, you may contact Dr. Coulombe in a confidential manner via his email address, below.

Benoit Coulombe
Research unit director

Research Data

In its endeavours to promote scientific integrity, the IRCM adheres to the principles of the global movement towards Open Science and strives to raise awareness, within its research community, of the importance of adopting modern and exemplary research data management (RDM) practices.

To this end, the IRCM has developed an Institutional Research Data Management Strategy (FR) and promises to:

  • Recognize that research data is a valuable and indispensable resource for innovation;
  • Provide front-line resources and tools, as well as personalized consulting services to its researchers, to help them properly manage their research data so that they are easily findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR principles);
  • Develop its digital and technological infrastructures, to ensure the creation, curation and preservation of reliable, high-quality data;
  • Facilitate open-access dissemination and reuse of research data generated at the Institute, to contribute to the democratization of science.

By carrying out the action plan and achieving the objectives described in this strategy,the  IRCM aims to support its researchers in adopting practices that meet the expectations of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), as set out in the tri-agency policies on RDM and open access to publications, as well as the requirements of other funding organisms that support research activities at the IRCM. 

The strategy will be implemented by an executive committee that combines a diverse range of expertise within the IRCM and that will act under the guidance of the Institute's Data Protection Committee, which will ensure that the practices adopted comply with current federal and internal laws and policies on the protection of personal information and access to health data.

Executive Committee
Research Data Management


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