
Responsible conduct
in research

IRCM’s research activities are underpinned by high standards of scientific integrity. Any person conducting research at the Institute must comply with the standards of responsible research as set out in the IRCM Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Policy .

This policy guides research activities to ensure that standards are respected and meets the requirements of the three federal granting agencies, namely the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), as stipulated in the Tri-Agency Framework: RCR, as well as those of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ), as stated in the FRQ’s Policy for RCR.
The IRCM’s Policy on RCR applies to all research conducted under the authority of the IRCM or its aegis, in addition to research funded by the three federal agencies and the FRQ. The objectives of this internal policy are the following:

  • Ensure public funds for research are used responsibly and in accordance with funding agreement.
  • Ensure public funds for research are used responsibly and in accordance with funding agreements
  • Promote and protect the quality, accuracy, and reliability of research funded by the agencies
  • Promote fairness in the conduct of research and in the process for addressing allegations of policy breaches

Benoit Coulombe is the designated person in charge of RCR at the Institute. The person in this role promotes an RCR culture within the IRCM, receives allegations of non-compliance with RCR, and deploys the process of handling allegations of non-compliance with RCR.

For any questions, or if in doubt over responsible conduct of research at the IRCM, you may contact Dr. Coulombe in a confidential manner via his email address, below.

Benoit Coulombe
Research unit director


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