IRCM Activities
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Events to come

Sep 15, 2022
From 12 PM to 1 PM


Dr. Rémi Gagnayre

Dr. Rémi Gagnayre

Risk-taking in therapeutic patient education

(This conference will be given in French)

Dr. Rémi Gagnayre
Professor and Director,
Public Health Laboratory: Health Education and Practices,
Sorbonne Paris Nord University

To attend the conference, please visit the following web page : 2022 conferences series | Pragmatic Health Ethics Research Unit

Brief summary of the presentation:
The pedagogy of Therapeutic Patient Education carries the risk of supporting learning that reinforces a biomedicalization or personal development unrelated to the reality of care. This risk stems from the tension that the actors of this pedagogy feel in their desire to fight against epistemic injustices and their subjection to the processes of standardization and domination at work in health care. In this context, can an autonormative pedagogy of therapeutic education emerge?

Short biography:
Professor of Universities (Sciences of Education and Training), physician, director of the Laboratory Educations and Health Promotion Research Unit 3412 at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord. As a health educator, his work focuses on the systems, devices and actors that contribute to learning in a perspective of health promotion and empowerment of actors. He particularly studies therapeutic patient education and family health education.


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