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Jun 09, 2025
From 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Stéphanie Fulton, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Nutrition
Université de Montréal
Montreal Diabetes Research Center
University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM)
This conference is hosted by May Faraj, PhD. This conference is part of the 2024-2025 IRCM conference calendar.
About this conference
The centrality of mental health to overall wellbeing has never been more apparent. Depression and anxiety disorders are prevalent and disabling mental health conditions and their incidence is compounded by obesity. The interchange between metabolic and mood dysfunction can perpetuate a cycle of despair, overeating and physical inactivity that enhances obesity severity and numerous associated health risks. Mounting evidence reveals an important influence of internal, biological stressors resulting from alterations in energy metabolism on motivation and mood states. Several findings reveal that some of the psychological consequences of obesity stem from poor diet and associated immune responses and highlight a role for neuroinflammation and neuroplastic adaptations in underlying brain circuits. Dr. Fulton will discuss findings regarding the contribution of dietary, metabolic and neurobiological effectors to depression and anxiety development and progression.
About Stéphanie Fulton
Dr. Stéphanie Fulton received her PhD in Psychology at Concordia University in 2003, and then pursued her postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School in Neuroendocrinology and Metabolism. She began her independent career in the Department of Nutrition at the Université de Montréal and the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) in 2008, where she is currently Full Professor. She is a member of the Center for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology of Concordia University, the Modern Diet and Physiology Research Center and the Food4BrainHealth France-Canada research network. Her team at CRCHUM investigates the neurometabolic processes underlying motivation and emotional states and has made key advancements in our understanding of the effects of diet and obesity on anxiety and depression risk.
Dr. Fulton’s research is supported by federal grants from Canadian Institute of Health Research and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and is a co-applicant of a recent 16M$ CFI Leading Edge grant “Imaging Type 2 Diabetes”. She was the recipient of the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS) Reseau de recherche en santé cardiometabolique, diabète et obésité (CMDO) Young Investigator Award and CRCHUM Award of Excellence. She is the co-founder and organizer of the Canadian Neurometabolic Club and their annual meeting since 2012.
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