For a few weeks now, the pandemic situation has forced us to stay confined and to limit our movements. This situation makes it harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle and may increase sedentary behaviours.
How to make our workstation ergonomic?
How to stay active at home?
How to motivate children to move?
A few applications to stay active
IRCM’s kinesiologists are happy to share a few good tips and relevant resources.
Workstation ergonomics
In the current circumstances, many of us have to work from home. How can we make sure to adopt a comfortable posture to work efficiently?
Learn how to adapt your workspace with what you have and how to get comfortable when working with a laptop.
Staying active at home
Do you happen to spend several consecutive hours in a seated position because of telework? Do you sometimes feel muscle tension or a drop in energy, both physically and mentally? Here are some tips to help you stay active at home:
Learn how to stay active when working from home and how to stay active during the coronavirus pandemic.
Discover the BETTER registry training program to do at home from. Although the program was created for the needs of people living with type 1 diabetes, it is also well suited for others!
Watch the videos and discover the website of PartcipACTION, a campaign designed to promote a healthy and active lifestyle.
Browse these workouts to find the one that suits you best.
Use this interactive tool to build your own weekly activity plan.
Motivate children to move
Do you feel a need to reinvent yourself and find new activities to get your children moving? Here are some relevant and fun tools to help you do it as a family:
On find games and tools ideas to use with your children.
Find indoor and outdoor options to get your children moving or have them do some yoga.
Print and put this handout on your refrigerator for quick ideas for your children.
Mobile applications
Why not use a mobile application to help you move throughout the day? Here are some free ones available for iOS and Android:
Use 7-minute workouts to move with no equipment and in no time!
Discover dozens of daily yoga classes.
Integrate active breaks in your daily life with ParticipACTION.
No matter your age, adopt better postures with Straighten Up Canada.
Don’t forget! Although we are required to keep our distances, we must also stay active and enjoy the beautiful days of spring!