Congratulations to Jean-François Côté, Artur Kania, Hua Gu and André Veillette who will receive more than $ 4.5 million in total, as part of the Spring 2021 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant competition. This performance, positioning the IRCM's success rate at 33% compared to the national average of 18%, will fund five high impact health research projects.
The five funded projects will deepen topics such as breast cancer metastases, the characterization of new protein complexes to improve our understanding of certain diseases, the molecular mechanisms regulating the immune system and a protein involved in the development of diseases or malformations.
The CIHR Project Grants competition aims to promote ideas that have the greatest potential to advance basic or applied knowledge in health, health research, health care, health systems or health outcomes. It supports innovative and quality research projects proposed and carried out by researchers working in all fields of health. For the Spring 2021 edition, 422 research grants as well as four bridge grants were approved across Canada, representing a total investment of approximately $ 325 million.
The IRCM community unites in wishing the recipient researchers and their teams much success in the pursuit of their excellent work!