A Harry C. Rowsell Award for Dr. Ovidiu Jumanca

A Harry C. Rowsell Award for Dr. Ovidiu Jumanca

The Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) is proud to announce that Dr. Ovidiu Jumanca is co-recipient of the Harry C. Rowsell Lifetime Achievement Award, which he shares with Mr. Robert Madziak. Presented by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC), the award recognizes dedicated individuals who, over the course of their careers, have made an outstanding contribution to the CCAC and have upheld the highest standards of ethical care and use of animals in science in Canada.

“This award is a fitting tribute to an exceptional colleague who, in all aspects of his work, sets an example of unwavering adherence to the highest standards of animal care and ethics. We are proud to have Dr. Jumanca among us, and to adhere to the best practices in the field,” commented Dr. Jean-François Côté, President and Scientific Director of the IRCM.

A Remarkable Career
Dr. Ovidiu Jumanca is Director of Animal Care and Health at IRCM. He is recognized by the IRCM family and by the animal care and use community, in Canada and abroad, for his dedication to animals and his unwavering support. He has advised and encouraged many colleagues, learners, new Canadians, researchers, technicians and veterinarians, enabling them to progress in their careers. Working closely with members of the IRCM Animal Care Committee, animal care staff and research teams, Dr. Jumanca seeks to reduce the use of animals in many areas of research, and to improve their welfare, quality of life and health. He is an enthusiastic volunteer who devotes many hours to continuing education, including the CCAC National Workshop. He graciously shared his experience and expertise to a variety of organizations, including initiatives of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (CALAM), the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS), and the CCAC Board of Directors and Assessment and Certification Committee. His exceptional contribution has unquestionably enhanced the quality of animal care nationally and worldwide.

About the IRCM
The IRCM is an internationally renowned hub for biomedical research located in the heart of Montreal’s academic community. Founded in 1967, it was the first centre in Quebec to bring researchers in clinical and fundamental science together under one roof. Though the model was novel at the time, the IRCM is now one of the most successful research centres in the country, fostering cutting-edge innovation, nurturing the scientific minds of our next generation, and pioneering promising top-level research in many areas of life sciences. The IRCM is leading the way with groundbreaking research in cancer, immunology, virology, neurobiology, as well as rare diseases.

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