It was with the company of a diversified audience of more than 150 participants, in person and in virtual mode, that the very first edition of Sci-POP took place on November 11 and 12.
Unique in Quebec, the scientific popularization event was a great success with the participation of 30 IRCM students. They shared their science in a dynamic way, using a language made accessible to all, in popular formats such as TED Talks, Shark Tank, My thesis in 180 seconds and 100% Popularized.
“Sci-POP has allowed us to bring the whole community together to talk about science. We were delighted to see the results and the enthusiasm it generated. We are already looking forward to the next edition, ”said Michel Cayouette, Vice-President, Research and Academic Affairs.
“It was great because through one of the presentations, I was able to recognize the manifestation of the mirror movement syndrome in my son. I quickly contacted the researcher overseeing this research project and as a result, my boy will soon be participating in a clinical study, "revealed Valerie Lavastre, Scientific Coordinator at the IRCM.
Sci-POP also mobilized the non-scientific professionals of the IRCM community, who joined as judges and spectators for the various sessions, and helped select the prize winners for the best presentations:
100% popularized:
- Maria Galipeau (Laboratory of Jennifer Estall); Unstable diabetes: PGC the culprit?
- Laure Monteillet (Laboratory of Jennifer Estall); How to save the pancreas from death and cure diabetes?
TED Talks:
- Thomas Brown (Laboratory of Michel Cayouette); Mapping the mind: an introduction to connectomics
- Michael Bruccoleri (Laboratory of Jean Vacher); What are bones and can they help us lose body fat?
Shark Tanks:
- Céline Schott (Laboratory of Mathieu Ferron); GAS6: the new diabetes target to be killed
My Thesis in 180 Seconds:
- 1st place: Chloé Apcher (Laboratory of Jean-François Côté); Unravelling AXL's journey to fight breast cancer.
- 2nd place: Rebecca Cusseddu (Laboratory of Jean-François Côté); Head shoulders knees feet.
- 3rd place: Zekai Wu (Research clinic of Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret); Proposing a reliable and cost-saving way to collect an essential information for research on Type 1 Diabetes.
The event also raised the interest of leading figures from academia, science and government fields.