Transitioning from pediatric to adult care: another initiative from Eric Racine's team

Transitioning from pediatric to adult care: another initiative from Eric Racine's team

Dr. Eric Racine's team, in collaboration with the Centre hospitalier Sainte-Justine (CHUSJ), recently launched a new initiative: a series of content about the often-difficult transition from pediatric to adult care.

These resources are part of the CHUSJ's Parachute program and take the form of a series of free short videos, accessible to all. Their aim is to raise awareness, in order to inform and support young patients aged 14 to 21 who have experienced long hospital stays, and help them find their way in the world of adult care.

For these young people, whose lives have been shaped by medical care and a child's hospital environment, the transition from pediatric to adult care brings its own set of challenges. Every year, thousands of young people and their families are confronted with this challenge, which comes with significant clinical and social repercussions, as demonstrated by Dr. Racine's previous work.

As part of a larger project on transition supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), these inspiring videos were made possible thanks to the participation of several young people living with chronic conditions who are themselves confronted with this reality. 

Congratulations to Dr. Eric Racine and his team, who continue to push the boundaries of ethical research to bring concrete, accessible solutions and improvements to healthcare.

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