From right to left: Benoit Doré (Axelys), Sébastien Bergeron (Axelys), Peiman Shooshtarizadeh (IRCM), Laura Rivest-Khan (Axelys), Jean-François Côté (IRCM), Nikhil Thatte (Lumira), Daniel Hétu (Lumira).
The Technology Transfer Office of the IRCM welcomed Lumira Ventures on November 18, in a perspective of value-added collaboration for science. During this meeting, 9 IRCM researchers presented seven projects in progress in their laboratory to the Lumira team, Daniel Hétu (Managing Director) and Nikhil Thatte (Principal). The Axelys managers responsible for these projects, Benoit Doré, Laura Rivest-Khan and Sébastien Bergeron, were present to support the researchers and provide additional information regarding the intellectual property related to each project.
"The idea was to give a global view on the technologies available for investment at IRCM" said Peiman Shooshtarizadeh, IRCM's Assistant Director of Commercialization. Depending on their level of maturity and synergy, the technologies presented could be matched with one of the 36 start-ups that are in Lumira's portfolio at this time.’’
A post-mortem meeting is scheduled for next week to continue the discussion on potential collaborations.
Lumira Ventures
Lumira Ventures is a North American healthcare venture capital firm with a two-decade track record investing in transformative biomedical companies. These companies are harnessing rapidly evolving innovations in genomics, cell therapy, gene therapy, bioengineering, robotics and artificial intelligence.
Created in April 2021, Axelys is a non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of Quebec by accelerating the development and transfer of high-potential innovations stemming from public research. Axelys offers consulting and support services in development, intellectual property management and innovation transfer to all public research institutions in Quebec, in all regions. In addition, Axelys contributes to the creation of scientific companies spun off from public research.