Dr. Jean-François Côté, 2023 Great Scientist of the Breast Cancer Foundation

Dr. Jean-François Côté, 2023 Great Scientist of the Breast Cancer Foundation

His work on the metastatic process brings hope for the reversal of the disease

The Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) is pleased to congratulate its President and Scientific Director, Dr. Jean-François Côté, who is also one of its scientific pillars and one of Quebec's leading researchers, on being named the 2023 Great Scientist by the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation.

Each year, the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation pays tribute to exceptional individuals who have distinguished themselves in the scientific, medical and community spheres in connection with this prevalent form of cancer, by presenting them with an Award of Excellence.

A life's vocation
Very early in his career, Dr. Côté chose to dedicate himself to beating cancer. He has been a leader in the field of refractory breast cancer research for over 20 years. A professor in the Department of Medicine at the Université de Montréal, Dr. Côté is investigating a key determinant of cancer mortality: metastasis in breast cancer. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that allow cancer cells to colonize secondary organs and grow into macro-metastases is essential to discovering new therapeutic targets that can improve patient survival. It is this understanding that is at the heart of Dr. Côté's laboratory, whose successive discoveries are milestones towards the hope of a cure for all women.

Dr Côté also heads the prestigious Canada Research Chair in Cellular Signaling and Cancer Metastasis.

More details
Approximately 20-30% of women who survive breast cancer will become metastatic
and 5% of breast cancers in Canada are initially diagnosed at stage 4. Among the most recent work, Jean-François Côté's team has discovered that a protein called AXL plays an important role in the development of metastasis. Their research aims to better understand the mechanism behind this protein in order to develop therapies that target it and thus prevent the spread of cancer cells into metastases. This is a major advance in breast cancer research to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Dr. Côté's laboratory, made up of several talented young scientists whose publications have already earned them recognition among their peers, is relentless in its quest for advances that will lead to a cure.

Media contact:
Florence Meney
Director of Communications, IRCM

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