IRCM Activities
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Nov 14, 2024
From 3 PM to 4 PM

ContactAlessandra Padovani
Basic and Clinical Oncology Seminar

Mario Suvà et Donna Senger

Mario Suvà et Donna Senger

Impact of the Tumor Microenvironment on Glioblastoma Progression

Donna L. Senger, Ph.D.,
Senior Investigator, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
Associate Professor, Gerald Bronfman Department of Oncology
Associate Member, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology &
Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine, McGill University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology, University of Calgary.

About Donna Senger
Dr. Donna Senger is a Senior Scientist at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Associate Professor in the Gerald Bronfman Department of Oncology at McGill University, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Oncology at the University of Calgary, and co-lead of the Precision Oncology for Young People (PROFYLE) Model Systems Node. Dr. Senger has had a long-standing interest in the development of pediatric and adult central nervous system tumors including defining the molecular characteristics of invasive glioma, investigating cancer stem cells as a therapeutic target and understanding how the brain microenvironment impacts treatment. More recently Dr. Senger’s research has focused on mechanisms important for the development of organ selective cancer metastasis, establishing in vivo cancer models for preclinical testing and development of a “live” pediatric tumor bank that focuses on the establishment of pediatric-patient-derived-xenografts from rare and hard-to-treat cancers.

Single-Cell and Spatial Genomic Analysis of Glioblastoma

Mario L. Suvà, M.D., Ph.D.,
Vice Chair - Research, MGH Department of Pathology
Institute Member, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

About Mario Suvà
MARIO SUVÀ is the Director of the Molecular Pathology Unit and Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Suvà’s expertise is in neuro-oncology, single-cell genomics and chromatin analysis. 

Suvà's laboratory focuses on brain tumors, both in adults and children. A particular effort of the laboratory is on dissecting the heterogeneity of diffuse gliomas and relating transcriptional and genetic programs of individual cancer cells. Suvà directed landmark studies characterizing glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma, pediatric gliomas and medulloblastoma with single-cell genomic and spatial genomic technologies, shedding light on tumor heterogeneity, tumor classification, glioma cell lineages, cancer stem cell programs, tumor evolution and the composition of the tumor microenvironment. 

Suvà obtained his Ph.D. in Lausanne, Switzerland, studying cancer stem cells in gliomas and sarcomas. He earned his M.D. from the University of Lausanne and his certification in Neuropathology from the Swiss Medical Association. He did his post-doctoral research at MGH and the Broad Institute, applying chromatin analysis and functional approaches to identify master regulators of glioma stem cell programs.

Meeting ID: 836 1113 9304
Passcode: 430881
Registration Link:

The Basic and Clinical Oncology Seminar Series (BCO) is a joint initiative by the IRCM and Lady-Davis institute in Montreal. These monthly seminars will feature a clinical (MD or MD/PhD) and a basic scientist (PhD) speaker, both working on the same cancer or theme. The goal is to create a dialogue between those at the bench and their peers at the bedside. The long-term goal is to initiate and expedite collaborations like sharing samples and exchanging expertise. Each seminar is made of two talks, each for 15 minutes and 5 minutes of questions. The remaining 10 minutes is for open discussion.



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