Internal Competition

Science POP Competition



Douglas Research Centre

Competition date : September 25, 2024 - Montréal



Internal competitions

Following the official launch in September 2022, Science POP will develop across the province of Quebec in the form of internal competitions, held between April 1 and 30, 2023 by institutions devoted to Health Sciences research and to training graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Finalists will then proceed to the next step: a Grand Final, provincial-level contest organized by the IRCM. For its 2022-2023 edition, Science POP welcomes fifteen (15) participating institutions, from all regions of Quebec!

Outreach Challenge

Jessica Ahrens

PhD student - Neuroscience

Imagerie par résonance magnétique sensible à la neuromélanine                                                  

Kayleigh Casmey

PhD student - Neuroscience

Cerveau droit? Cerveau gauche?                                                  

Navid Ghassemi

PhD student - Neuroscience

L’ère de l’IA : les modèles de fondation                                                  

Reine Khoury

PhD student - Neuroscience

Pourquoi Socrate avait-il des abdominaux ?                                                  

Dominique (Nikki) Lumley

Master's student - Neuroscience

Percer les mystères des réseaux périneuronaux                                                  

Gabriella Malamud

Master's student - Neuroscience

Vous connaissez maintenant vos THC : Comprendre
les fondements du sevrage du cannabis                                                    

Media Challenge

Danae Penichet

PhD student - Neuroscience

Infections pendant la grossesse : des maux qui durent toute la vie?                                                  

Jana Totzek

PhD student - Mental Health

Le I de la schizophrénie : Tirer parti de la technologie
pour une approche personnalisée de la maladie mentale

Sustainable Health Challenge

Léa Perret

PhD student - Mental Health

S’attaquer à une cause majeure de décès                                                  

Sujata Sinha

PhD student - Neuroscience

Le SuperMind Club vous aide à développer vos facultés cérébrales                                                  


Important dates
to remember

Whether as an institution or as a participant in the challenges, stay tuned for the main steps of the competition until the Grand Final in 2023.

April 1 to 30, 2023
Holding of internal competitions of participating institutions.
May 5, 2023
Deadline for institutions to register the winners of their internal competition for the grand finale.
May 27 and 28, 2023
Holding of the Grand Final organized by the IRCM and announcement of the finalists for the 2023 Science POP edition.

Joining the
Science POP Initiative, means...

For students
in biomedical sciences:

… to develop scientific communication skills

… to engage with your community

For the general public:

… to acquire on biomedical research

… to learn more about the benefits and impact of scientific research

For the Quebec Society:

… to counter misinformation

… to contribute to developing a strong scientific literacy


« Thanks to one of the presentations,
I was able to recognize the characteristics of the syndrome mirror movements in my son. I quickly communicated with the researcher supervising this
research project and my boy will
soon join a clinical study. »

Valérie Lavastre
Audience Member, 2021 Edition

IRCM's Quebec-wide Scientific Communication Initiative IRCM

Supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the NovaScience program of the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie

Contact us

Contact for the Science POP competition: Anna Lieby

Media Contact : Florence Meney
(514) 755-2516


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