Advancing knowledge in a caring environment

Advancing knowledge in a caring environment
Maurice Leboeuf, participant in the study to reduce the risk of diabetes using omega-3 in fish oil at the IRCM

When he talks about the welcome he received during his participation in the study to reduce the risk of diabetes using omega-3 in fish oil, currently underway at the IRCM, Maurice Leboeuf is full of praise: "From the moment I entered until I left, the staff, the nurses, everyone was very attentive.’’

Even though he had no family history of diabetes, he felt the call and wanted to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about the mechanisms surrounding the disease by participating in the research protocol.

‘’I don't have diabetes, but you never know, it could happen one day. And if we can make a small difference for future studies...if not for me, then for others.’’

Maurice Leboeuf thus discovered a whole world of clinical research, an active and lively world, focused on improving the understanding, prevention and management of the disease. 

Beyond the physical examinations, Maurice Leboeuf emphasizes he has found an intellectually stimulating aspect to the process. He doesn't hide the fact that, through the interactions with the research personnel, he learned a lot about diabetes, but also about how the body works and his health in general.

‘’I had answers to all my questions.’’

Thank you, Mr. Leboeuf, for your valuable contribution!

If, like Maurice Leboeuf, you would like to participate in the advancement of knowledge in a safe and trustworthy environment:

Study aiming at reducing the risk of diabetes using omega-3 fish oil

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