The IRCM warmly congratulates Dr. André Veillette on becoming the first Executive Director of the Terry Fox Research Institute's Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network.
Dr. Veillette is Director of the Molecular Oncology Research Unit at the IRCM and Professor of Medicine at the Université de Montréal (UdeM). Currently, he is also a member of the Government of Canada Vaccine Working Group for COVID-19.
"We are very proud to be associated with this great researcher, Dr. Veillette, in a cause that is so hopeful and so strong in the hearts of Canadians, around the now mythical figure of a modern-day hero, Terry Fox," said Dr. Jean-François Côté, President and Interim Scientific Director of the CRIM.
Throughout his career, Dr. Veillette has worked in the field of immunology where he helped found the field of immune cell activation 30 years ago. Since then, he and his team have made important discoveries regarding CD4 and CD8 T cell co-receptors and surface antigens, the protein tyrosine kinases Csk and Lck, the role of the adaptor molecule SAP in immune regulation and the role of innate immune cells in immuno-oncology. These and other discoveries have provided fundamental insights into the immunological mechanisms of health and disease, including cancer.