A Founding Grant for Dr. Éric Racine And His Colleagues

A Founding Grant for Dr. Éric Racine And His Colleagues

The Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) congratulates Dr. Eric Racine, his team from the Pragmatic Health Ethics Research Unit and their many colleagues from numerous Quebec institutions, including Université de Montréal, UQAM, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and ÉNAP, who together obtained a grant from the Fonds de recherche du Québec- Société et Culture (FRQ-SC) to set up a new provincial research network entitled Réseau de recherche sur les savoirs citoyens et les approches cocréatives (RéSCits).

This large-scale initiative, still in its early stage but bound to expand, touches on a wide range of fields. Its primary aim is to decompartmentalize research. This network proposal aims to create the first major gathering in Quebec to advance collaboration between scientists and citizens in the co-creation of transformative knowledge.

“The rise of research into ethical and social issues is arousing keen interest among those in society who understand its importance. This grant embodies the full potential of this research network project," commented Dr. Jean-François Côté, President and Scientific Director of the IRCM.

The main objectives of the Network, whose associate directors are Janie Houle of UQAM and Vincent Dumez of Université de Montréal, are to: 

  • Create and lead a gathering of humanities and social sciences research forces on citizen knowledge, as well as promoting and implementing citizen, participatory and co-creative approaches, notably by collaborating with other FRQSC strategic clusters and centers, and other FRQ networks, with a cross-sectoral focus.
  • Contribute to the development of knowledge on citizen education and its transformational impacts on society, through interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research. This research will be carried through a shared and inclusive process, including pilot demonstration projects, innovative support for participatory and co-creative research, new cross-sectoral collaborations and the co-creation of standards of practice and methodologies such as prototyping, service modelling and theorizing.
  • Training the next generation of scientists, citizens and professionals, and raising awareness on the scientific and democratic advantages and limitations of citizen knowledge, as well as participative, co-creative approaches.

Our warmest congratulations and best wishes for success to this promising initiative for the good of our fellow citizens!

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