On Wednesday, February 15, the IRCM Foundation held its traditional Recognition evening at the IRCM. For the occasion, the Foundation awarded 33 scholarships of excellence totalling $313,000 to students and postdoctoral fellows with a promising scientific future.
More than 100 guests, including budding and experienced scientists, philanthropists from the business community, administrators of both the Foundation and the IRCM’s Boards as well as members of the IRCM community gathered to highlight the importance of supporting the training of the next generation of scientists in Quebec.
Former scholarship recipients were also there to join their voices to this noble cause. Arianne Quintal, a doctoral student under the direction of Dr. Eric Racine, and Inès Desanlis, a former postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Marie Kmita's laboratory and currently a project manager at Montreal InVivo, both shared the positive impact of the Foundation’s support on their research work and career. Yannick Cyr, the first student to complete the IRCM's PhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM) and currently a postdoctoral fellow at NYU Langone Health Hospital in New York, made the trip to give a warm testimonial of his journey with the IRCM family.
“We are proud to support these students in their academic career to enable them to become the scientists of tomorrow. This is made possible thanks to the generosity of our loyal partners and donors who believe in the importance of advancing biomedical knowledge," said André Couillard, President of the IRCM Foundation.
“At the IRCM, identifying talents and helping them grow is at the heart of our DNA, said Dr. Jean-François Côté, President and Scientific Director of the IRCM. On behalf of the IRCM family, we congratulate the 2023 recipients and wish them all the best for the future.”
Discover the recipients:
- IRCM Challenge Scholarships for Summer Internships: William Foley, Marguerite Cusson, My-Linh Luu, Tak Yi Mayumi, Asma Khamis, Michael Slattery, Heather Girouard, Kaya Risch, André-Anne Racine-Prud'homme and Justine Touzot
Master Students:
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - Alain-Fontaine Tribute Award: Samantha Boudreau
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - Jean-Davignon Tribute Award: Nikoletta Diamantopoulos
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - RBC: Benjamin Clark
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - Anti-Diabetic Agents Team: Maha Lebbar
- Molecular and Cellular Medecin Scholarships - IRCM Foundation: Noémie Desgranges, Jeremie Van Prooijen, Lili Grieco-St-Pierre, Kíra Häfner and Paary Balakumar
Ph.D Students:
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - RBC: Luke David
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship: Xinying Zhang
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - Famille Genest-Rivest: Aléhandra Desjardins
- IRCM Challenge Scholarship - Infrastructel: Dennis Drewnik
- Emmanuel-Triassi Scholarship: Mojtaba Mollaei
- Jacques-Gauthier Tribute Scholarship: Tim Marvin Gemeinhardt
- Robert and Étienne Rivard Scholarship: Easin Uddin Syed
- Michel-Bélanger Tribute Scholarship: Pedro Lucas dos Santos França
- Jean-Coutu Scholarship: Anne Bonhoure and Sung Soon Park
Postdoctoral Fellows:
- Jean-Coutu Scholarship: Sharmin Begum, Marcelo Maximiliano Rodriguez and Alexandre Villard
- Angelo-Pizzagalli Scholarship: Hugo Ducuing