Face of IRCM - Robert Guertin

Face of IRCM - Robert Guertin

Robert Guertin
Sixteen years of excellence and an inimitable smile 


NB: This series of encounters highlights the diversity of the members of the IRCM community, the variety of their expertise and the depth of their commitment to their respective roles

The faces of IRCM are also those who leave us, after years of excellent work and comradeship, and whom we shall miss.

It is the case of Robert Guertin, one our IT Department pillars. With just a few days of retirement, it is with a light heart that this tall, affable and younger-looking man leaves us, full of rich and joyful memories of all those he interacted with through his invaluable work. For, who at IRCM could claim to have never needed Robert's discreet and smiling competence? 

About the man who joined the Institute sixteen years ago when his son was born, Martin Bernard, his immediate colleague and IRCM’s computer systems administrator, says without hesitation:

“Robert is an extraordinary colleague. His team spirit and dedication to helping others never go unnoticed. His sense of humour and fun-loving nature make him a pleasure to work with, on a daily basis. I feel lucky to have him as my colleague.’’

For him who had previously worked on his own, the unique human richness and sense of belonging that is at the very heart of IRCM's DNA was a discovery.

“Here, you meet many interesting people from everywhere. Because I move around a lot, I get to be in contact with so numerous people.’’

Although the pandemic had put most human interactions on hold, the IT department was quickly back at work, ensuring the continuity of this essential service.

Over the decades, Robert has seen practices and technology evolve at record speed, with the rise of digital technology, among others, as well as the integration of the Office Suite. He is also delighted to note the positive shift his department has been able to make to embrace best practices and move from a rather reactive fire-extinguishing mode, to a proactive major-project development approach.

He emphasizes the strong bond that exists within his immediate team, with the enviable sense of rowing in the same direction, and the common aim of effectively supporting IRCM's mission.

Thank you, Robert, for your commitment over the years, and may you have a happy retirement!


“Retirement is a blank sheet of paper. It's a chance to recreate your life into something new and different.’’ Patrick Foley

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